October 28, 2014 by matt@findthepiece.com 0 Disaster ManagementNPR / Drones Are Taking Pictures That Could Demystify A Malaria Surge disease management drones drones for good eBee malaria senseFly UAVs October 28, 2014 by matt@findthepiece.com 0 Articles, Disaster Management, Firefighting, Press ReleasessUAS News / Skyward announces first commercial drone network demonstration 3DR DJI drone network Las Vegas London NASA Portland Skyward UAVs urban Urban Skyways Vancouver October 28, 2014 by matt@findthepiece.com 0 UncategorizedUSA Today / State Farm seeks to test drones in Illinois Aerialtronics Department of Transportation DOT FAA Insurance Section 333 testing UAVs October 9, 2014 by matt@findthepiece.com 0 ArticlesFortune / Get ready for ‘Drone Nation’ business commercial UAVs drones economy Fortune 500 Silicon Valley UAVs October 7, 2014 by matt@findthepiece.com 0 Aerial Photography and Video, ArticlesThe Hill / Obama’s drone order could come ‘any day now,’ lobbyist says Executive Order NTIA Obama Administration UAVs October 7, 2014 by matt@findthepiece.com 0 ArticlessUAS News / Australia About to Certify its 150th Unmanned Aircraft Operator ACUO Australia international UAV operators UAVs October 7, 2014 by matt@findthepiece.com 0 Articles, Disaster ManagementCNN / Graham search highlights Virginia drone battle disaster management missing persons saerch and rescue UAVs October 7, 2014 by matt@findthepiece.com 0 ArticlesStatesman Journal / Drone operators in Oregon eager for FAA approval oregon small uavs UAV October 7, 2014 by matt@findthepiece.com 0 ArticlesGizmag / Small UAV Coalition formed to promote civil and commercial use of small UAVs Gizmag small uav coalition UAVs 9/9